"The Fifty Seven Show"
A Show for Disabled Veterans, Veterans and Their
Have you seen our TV Show? If so, send us your comments and feedback. Tell us if there is something you would like to see
included. Click on this text to send us an E-Mail.
Hosts: John Fielding Norm
News: Mort Morin
Field Reporter: Steve Horton
Producer/Director: Paul
Tune in to Chapter 57's
Cable Access Television Show
Filmed at the Taunton Community Access and Media Inc. Studio and remote locations.
The program may be viewed in the following towns
Town Channel
Berkley See
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9 See Your Local Cable
Channel Bulletin Board
9 Monday 8:30PM
Freetown 95 Friday
& Saturday 6:00PM & 6:30PM
Lakeville 9 & 95
Friday & Saturday 6:00PM & 6:30PM
Mansfield See Your
Local Cable Channel Bulletin Board
Middleboro 9 Friday
& Saturday 6:00 & 6:30PM
15 Monday & Thursday 6:30
& 7:00PM
9 Thursday 5:00PM
15 Tuesday & Thursday 7:00PM
Content of Shows
Show #1 Sept. 2005 - Introduction to Chapter 57, what the Disabled American Veterans is
and does. What we hope to accomplish with the TV Show. History the DAV and its relationship with the Dept. of Veteran's Affairs
( 30 Minutes )
Show #2 Oct. 2005 - Opening with Host John Fielding. Veterans news with Commander
Morin. Guest DAV Department of Massachusetts Commander John Hogan interview by Host John Fielding.
( 30 Minutes )
Show #3 Oct. 2005 - Opening with John Fielding. Veterans News with Commander Morin.
Guest Robert Doherty interviewed gy Host John Fielding about Mr. Doherty's experiences as a WW II member of a bomber crew
and his captivity after bailing out of his bomber over Belgium. Closed with slide presentation of Chapter activities.
( 30 Minutes )
SPECIAL Nov. 2005 - Film of a show co-produced by Roberty Doherty about the experience
of allied aircrew members held in German prisoner of war camps during WW II.
( 1 1/2 Hours )
Show #4 Nov 2005- Opening with John Fielding. Veterans News with Commander Morin. Guest
Armand Provencal, City of Taunton Director of Veteran's Services interviewed by Host John Fielding. The show closed with a
slide show of Veterans Day Ceremonies.
( 30 Minutes )
Show #5 Dec 2005 - Opening with John Fielding. Veterans News with Commander
Morin. A short Video of the Taunton Christmas Parade is included. Our guest is Dennis Proulx of the Vietnam Veterans
of Greater Taunton Association who explains what his group is about and how you can join.
(30 Minutes)
Show #6 - January 2006. This show has a new opening and credit screens
that include local scenes of veterans monuments. Opening with Host John Fielding, News with Commander Morin. Our guest
is Sgt. Clark Vonhagel, USMC Recruiting Office in Brockton. A short video, ELITE WARRIOR is included in the presentation. The
show will be distributed the week of the 15th.
(30 Minutes)
Show #7 - February 2006 - This show has a new opening and credit screens that maintained
our local scenes of veterans monuments but cleared up some ot the text problems. The opening is with Host John Fielding,
our Co-Host Bob Doherty will be back with us on the next show. News is presented by Commander Morin. Our guest for this show
is Dr. Armen Arslanian. He will be presenting information about Alzheimer's disease. The show will be distributed
to area towns the week of the 19th of February.
(30 Minutes)
Show #8 - March 2006 - The show opening and credit screens include video of
our local veterans monuments. The opening is with Host John Fielding, our Co-Host Bob Doherty is
back with us. News is presented by Commander Morin. Our guest for this show is Colonel Richard Davenport, USAF Retired,
Commanding The Taunton High School AFJROTC Program. He will be presenting information about the Program and it's
goals. The show will be distributed to area towns the week of the 19th of March.
(30 Minutes)
Show #9 - April 2006 - The show opening and credit screens include video of
our local veterans monuments. The opening is with Host John Fielding and Co-Host Bob Doherty. News
is presented by Commander Morin. Our guest for this show is Adele Geringer, Visual Impairment Coordinator at the VA Medical
Center, Providence . She will be presenting information about the Veterans Administration's services available
for blind and visually impaired veterans. The show will be distributed to area towns the week of the 18th of April.
(30 Minutes)
Show #10 - May 2006 - This show is filmed on location at Battleship Cove in Fall River,
MA., Aboard the USS Massachusetts. The show opening and credit screens include video of our local veterans
monuments. The opening is with Host John Fielding. News is presented by Commander Morin. Our guest for this show
is Ron Catudal, Executive Director of Battleship Cove in Fall River, MA. He presents an overview of the mission
of the museum and the activities that are presented and available at Battleship Cove. We were pleased to have a member of
the Ship's original crew, Armand Vigeant onboard when we arrived. He is interviewed by Co-Host Bob Doherty. A short outake
video of the ship is included in the show The show will be distributed to area towns the week of the 18th of May.
(30 Minutes)
Show #11 - June 2006 - The show's opening screens include video of our local veterans
monuments in Mansfield, Easton and Taunton. The opening is with Host John Fielding and Co-Host Bob Doherty.
News is presented by Commander Morin. This is the Memorial Day and Flag Day Show. Videos of the Memorial Day activities in
Taunton are show and a Video of the USS Massachusetts firing one her five inch guns in a 21 Gun Salute on Memorial Day, May
30. A short new poem is presented by it's author, Co-Host Bob Doherty.
(30 Minutes)
Show #12 - July 2006 - The show's opening screens include video of our local veterans
monuments in Mansfield, Easton and Taunton. The opening is with Hosts John Fielding and Bob Doherty. News
is presented by Commander Morin, Co-Host Bob Doherty will introduce Fernand Medeiros a member of Chapter 57 and also a former
WW II Army Ranger. He will relate his story of capture in Italy and his ordeal as a prisoner of war in Germany. The closing
will be with John Fielding.
(30 Minutes)
Show #13 - August - The show's opening screens include video of our local veterans
monuments in Mansfield, Easton and Taunton. The opening is with Hosts John Fielding. John will introduce our guest
Dr. Charles Foster, Chief of Podiatry for the VA's Boston Health Care System, who will speak on foot problems and health issues
that compound foot problems. News is presented by Commander Morin, The closing will be with John Fielding.
(30 Minutes)
Show #14 - 7 September 2006. The show's opening screens include video of
our local veterans monuments in Mansfield, Easton and Taunton. The opening is with Hosts John Fielding and
Bob Doherty. John will introduce our guest Dr. Clair Beard, a Radiation Oncologist at Dana Farber Cancer Institute
and Brigham & Women's Hospital, who will speak Prostate Cancer and its treatment. News is presented by Commander Morin,
The closing will be with John Fielding and Bob Doherty.
(30 Minutes)
Show #15 - 12 October 2006. The show's opening screens include
an animated US Flag, a Halloween Wish and picture of Memorial Day activities. The opening is with Hosts John Fielding
and Bob Doherty. John will introduce our guest Raymond Richards, Commander of Disabled American Veterans for the
Department of Massachusetts. Commander Richards speaks about issues important to our veterans and the Disabled American
Veterans Organization. News is presented by Commander Morin, The closing will be with John Fielding and Bob Doherty. A new
closing video is included with the name of our new host -
Taunton Community Access and Media Inc.
(30 Minutes)
Show #16 - November 2006. The show's opening screens include an animated
US Flag, Marine Corps Videos for the Marines 231st Birthday The opening is with Hosts John Fielding and
Bob Doherty. John will introduce our guest Yoo Si Chung, Major General, Republic of Korea Marine Corps,
Retired. General Yoo speaks about his U.S. training and also fighting side by side with US Marines.A second
video on our US Marines is presented after the interview. News is presented by Commander Morin, The closing will be with John
Fielding and Bob Doherty.
30 Minutes
Show # 17 December 2006. The show's opening screens include pictures of
the Ceremony conducted in memory of the 65th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. The opening is with Hosts John Fielding
and Bob Doherty. Bob will introduce our guest, Captain John Casey, US Naval Reserve Retired. Captain
casey speaks about Pearl Harbor and the efforts to keep the memory alive through educational programs and ceremonies at the
USS Massachusetts. A second video of the Commemoration Ceremony and Taunton Mayor Nunes' Proclamation is introduced
by Host John Fielding. News is presented by Commander Morin, The closing is with Co-Hosts John Fielding and
Bob Doherty.
29 Minutes 55 Seconds
Show # 18 January 2007. The opening is with Hosts John Fielding and Bob Doherty. John
will introduce our guest, USS Salem Captain Michael Condon. Captain Condon speaks about the Navy's Heavy Cruisers,
their responsibility and the efforts to keep their memory alive through educational programs and ceremonies at the USS Salem.
A slide presentation, introduced by Host Bob Doherty, on the fate of the USS Indianapolis, is narrated by
Giles G. McCoy, a survivor of the horrible ordeal faced by the crew of that Heavy Cruiser. News is presented by Commander
Morin, The closing is with Co-Hosts John Fielding and Bob Doherty.
30 Minutes 37 Seconds
Show # 19 February 2007. The opening is with Hosts John Fielding
and Bob Doherty. John will introduce our guest, Massachusetts DAV State Adjutant Dan Stack. Dan provides
an update of the DAV initiatives and the Veterans Adiniistration's CARES Study. News is presented by Commander
Morin, The closing is with Co-Hosts John Fielding and Bob Doherty.
28 Minutes 30 Seconds
Show # 20 March 2007. The opening is with Hosts John Fielding and
Bob Doherty. John will introduce our guest, Mort Feinberg, Senior Master Chief Petty Officer, US Navy Retired.
At age eighteen Chief Feinberg was aboard a Navy ship shelling the Island of Iwo Jima. He tells his personal story as
we continue to tell the stories of fighting men in our efforts to keep their memory alive by allowing them
access to the medium of television. The news segment for this show is replaced by a video about the Fisher House Foundation
and its efforts to help Veterans and their families. The closing is with Co-Hosts John Fielding and Bob Doherty.
29 Minutes 00 Seconds
Show # 21 April 2007. The opening is with Hosts John Fielding and
Bob Doherty. John will introduces the show and format. Bob Doherty introduces a Veterans Slide Show "We
Support You" Mort Morin introduces the guest interview, featuring Steve Zabierek. Steve and his wife lost their
son, Andrew, in Iraq in 2004. They have set up a scholarship foundation in his memory. This interview was conducted by our
newest field reporter, Steve Horton. The news segment is brief for this show. The closing is
with Co-Hosts John Fielding and Bob Doherty.
27 Minutes 51 Seconds
Show # 22 May 2007. The opening is with Hosts John Fielding
and Bob Doherty. John will introduce our guests,Town of Middlebourough Director of Veterans Services
and Francis "Fran" Creney. Our guest will discuss the services available to veterans and the merger of middleborough's DAV
Chapter 36 with DAV Chapter 57. News is presented by Commander Morin, The closing is with Co-Hosts John
Fielding and Bob Doherty.
28 Minutes 30 Seconds
Show # 23 June 2007. The opening is with Hosts John Fielding and Bob
Doherty. Bob will introduce our guest, Donald Densmore, US Navy Veteran and Veteran of "D Day".
At age eighteen Donald was aboard Navy LST-72 as a signalman. His ship was engaged in landing men and equipment
in support of the D-Day landings He tells his personal story as we continue to tell the stories of fighting men in
our efforts to honor them and keep their memories alive. The Commander's news segment will not be aired during this show.
29 Minutes 52 Seconds
Show # 24 July 2007. The opening is with Hosts John Fielding and Norm Willoughby. John
will introduce our guest, Thomas J. Hudner, Captain, US Navy, Retired. Captain Hudner was awarded the Medal
of Honor, during the Korean War. A Navy pilot flying close air support for Marines near the Chosin Reservoir when his
determination and courage was tested. He tells his personal story as we continue to tell the stories of fighting men in
our efforts to honor them and keep their memories alive. The Commander's news segment will follow the interview during
this show.
SHOW #25 August 2007. This is the 2nd Anniversary of our Chapter's TV Show.
The Hosts for this show are John Fielding and Mort Morin. This show is also the first in which we use a "Green Screen", that
allowed us to place a picture behind our hosts. The show will review clips from our first twenty four shows with commentary
provided by John and Mort.
28 Minutes 44 Seconds
SHOW #26 September 2007 The hosts for this show are John Fielding and Norm Willoughby.
The Guests for this show are Matthew Carpenter, DAV, National Service Office Supervisor and Emma Sanders, DAV, National Service
Officer. Both from the DAV, NSO Boston, MA. They will be discussing Compensation Benefits and the VA Claims process.
The show also includes a new segment by former Host Robert Doherty. He will no longer be a regular Host. He will contribute
from time to time a new segment that he has named "A Short Burst". This first one is the story of "Lady Moe"
29 Minutes 2 Seconds
SPECIAL September 2007 We have a Special show on the Veterans Administration
Claims Process and how the Disabled American Veterans assist in the filing of claims for veterans. It will air in the
near future. This special was filmed in two parts. Part #1 is a round table discussion about the VA Compensation
Process and the DAV work. This segment includes John Fielding, Host and Chapter Service Officer, Francis Yestramski, Sr.
Vice Commander, DAV, Dept. of MA. and Dept Service Officer, Dan Stack, Adjutant, DAV, Dept. of MA. and Former National
Service Officer, Matthew Carpenter, National Service Office Supervisor, Emma Sanders, National Service Officer. The latter
two from the DAV National Service Office in Boston, MA.
Part 2 of this special includes all of those mentioned, except Dan Stack. Fran and Emma do a skit about
a veteran filing a claim and this evolves into more discussion and answers regarding the VA Claims Process.
58 Minutes 33 Seconds
SHOW #27 October 2007 The hosts for this show are Norm Willoughby
and Martin "Pete" Fox. The Guest is Dr. Graeme Steele, MD, FACS. FCS, Asisstant Professor of Surgery Harvard
Medical School. He will be discussing Urological problems, symptoms, treatments, including incontinence, prostate cancer
surgery and post surgical complications and the posible courses of action to improve the quality of life for someone that
may experience these problems. The Show will include the Commander's Corner and the close is done by Norm Willoughby.
Approximately 28 Minutes
SHOW #28 November 2007 The hosts for this show are John Fielding and Norm Willoughby.
The Guest is John Gonsalves, President of Homes For Our Troops. He will be discussing the goals, ideas needs
and inner workings and the great accomplishments of the HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS ORGANIZATION. He will also be showing a video
of Three Marines - Three New Homes.
Approximately 29:30 Minutes
SHOW #29 December 2007 The hosts for this show are John Fielding and Norm
Willoughby. The second "Short Burst", WW II History segment, by former Host Robert Doherty entitled "5 Grand"
will be aired. The Commanders Corner News segment includes some breaking news on the air. Namely a donation to Homes
For Our Troops by Chapter 57, Presented by Treasurer Martin "Pete" Fox to HFOT President John Gonsalves.
Approximately 29 Minutes
SHOW #30 January 2008 The hosts for this show are John Fielding and Norm
Willoughby. The Guest is Ellen Pothier of MASSPRO. She is an RN and her duties with Masspro are Outreach and Mediation
coordinator. She will be discussing the range of services available through MASSPRO, that are free of charge to those
on Medicare who are experiencing health care problems. A short video entitled "Reveille" is shown with
permission from Brothers' Ink Productions of Mesa, Arizona. The closing is done by John Fielding.
Approximately 29 Minutes 15 Seconds
SHOW #31 February 2008 The hosts for this show are John Fielding and Norm
Willoughby. Guests are Staff Sgt. Torin Hammond and Sgt. Stephen Zabinski, United States Army. Both of whom have served
in Iraq. After a short interview they will be folding the U.S. Flag for a demonstration of the narration of each fold of the
flag. The show will conclude with the Commanders Corner news segment
29:12 Minutes
SHOW #32 March 2008 The hosts for this show are John Fielding and Lou Demers.
Our guest for the show is Robert Hinton, a former Pharmacist Mate 1st Class. Bob was a medic on Omaha Beach during the "D"
Day Landing, in 1944. We devote this entire show to Bob with as few interuptions as possible, in order that we hear as much
as possible of his story.
29:59 Minutes
SHOW #33 April The hosts for this show are John Fielding and Norm Willoughby.
Bob Doherty's Short Burst #3, titled “The
Poltava Incident” is presented. This story is was kept secret during WW II and for twenty nine years after the war. The
Commanders Corner News segment will have Norm Willoughby filling in for Commander Mort Morin.
( Approxmately 29:00 Minutes)
SHOW #34 May 2008 - The hosts for this show are John Fielding and Norm Willoughby.
Bob Doherty's Short Burst #4, titled “Well,
Well, Well" is presented. This story begins with Lady Moe, from Short Burst #1 and takes us to the Kuait Oil Fields set afire by Saddam Hussein during the first Gulf War. The Commanders Corner News segment will have Norm Willoughby filling
in for Commander Mort Morin.
(28:59 Minutes)
SHOW #35 June 2008 - The host for this show is John Fielding. Our Guest today is Edward Nunes, a member of the 36th Infantry
Division in WW II. He served in the European Theater of Operations in Italy and France,
where he was wounded and spent four days sheltered from the Germans, by a French family.
The Commander' is back with
Commander Mort Morin.
(Approximately 29:30 Minutes)
SHOW #36 July
2008 - The host for this show is Norm Willoughby. Our
Guest today is John Fielding, Retired Master Sergeant United States Air Force. He served
in the Korean and Vietnam wars and spent alot of time in the Far East during his career. Commander Morin will present his
news segment.
(Approximately 29:30 Minutes)
SHOW #37 August
2008 - The hosts for this show are John Fielding and Norm Willoughby. Our Guest is Edward O. Hall, United States Army,
Retired. Ed served during World War II, Korea and Vietnam. He received the Bronze Star for Meritorius Service. He
also spent a great deal of time in the Far East during his career..
Commander Mort Morin
will present his take on the news.
(Approximately 29:30 Minutes)
SHOW #38 September 2008
The host for this show is John Fielding. Our Guest is Adrian Haynes. He served
during World
War II. He saw action at the Anzio Landing in Italy. He received the Purple Heart. Commander Mort Morin will present a tribute to former
Co-Host and Specials Director to the Fifty Seven Show, Robert Doherty, who passed away last week. The commander will
then present his take his take on the news.
(Approximately 29:30 Minutes)
SHOW #40 November 2008
this show we are on location at the Veterans Administration National Cemetery in Bourne Massachuestte. We will be speaking
to Mr. Paul McFarland, the Administrator. Paul will provide us with information on the requirements for interment in the cemetary
as well as the history and other facts about this cemetery. We will also show some of the Veterans Day Observances that were
held this year.
(Approximately 29:30 Minutes)
SHOW #26 September 2007 RE-RUN
The hosts for this show are John Fielding and Norm Willoughby. The Guests for this show are Matthew
Carpenter, DAV, National Service Office Supervisor and Emma Sanders, DAV, National Service Officer. Both from the DAV, NSO
Boston, MA. They will be discussing Compensation Benefits and the VA Claims process. The show also includes a new segment
by former Host Robert Doherty. He will no longer be a regular Host. He will contribute from time to time a new segment that
he has named "A Short Burst". This first one is the story of "Lady Moe"
29 Minutes 2 Seconds
SHOW # 41 - January 2009
Host John Fielding will interview, today's guest,
Rev. Dr. Ernest L.
Vermont, Pastor of the Union Congregational Church in Taunton He has been a military Chaplain and Holds the rank of Major in the US Army. Commander
Mort Morin will present his news segment after Pastor Vermont's interview.
Approximate time 30:00 Minutes
SHOW 42 - February 2009
host for today's show will be Mort Morin. He will be interviewing Frank Ardita, Junior Vice Commander of Chapter 57.
We have asked him to appear today in his role of Nathanial Abbott, a Scout with Roger’s Rangers of the French and Indian
War. He will explain what it is like to be a Ranger, in the service of His Majesty’s troops in a few moments. At The
conclusion of the interview Mort will present his take on the news.
length 30:10 Minutes
SHOW #43 - March 2009
Our hst John Fielding will be interviewing,
today's guest, Donald E. French, Commander
Sons of Union Veterans and Vice President of the Taunton Allied Veterans Council. He will be talking to us about markers for
the Graves of Veterans in private cemeteries, in a few moments. He will also tell us about a little about The Sons of Union
Veterans. Commander Morin will present his new after the Interview with Mr. French.
Length 30:12 Minutes
Sr. Vice Commander Frank Ardita |

As Roger's Ranger Nathaniel Abbott |
Adrian Haynes |

Ed Hall pictured below |

John Fielding pictured below |

Ed Nunes Pictured Below. |

Edward O. "Coots" Matthews |

Show #32 Robert Hinton, D Day Omaha Beach Medic |

# 31 Sgt Stephen Zabinski & S/Sgt. Torin Hammond |

Show #30 Ellen Pothier with MASSPRO |

Show # 29 Pete Fox & John Gonsalves |


Show #27 Dr Graeme Steel, with "Pete" & Norm |


Guest Fran Yestramski and John Fielding. |
Show #26 |

Matt Carpenter, Emma Sanders, Norm Willoughby, John Fielding |
Show #24 |

Thomas J. Hudner,Capt., US Navy (Ret.), Medal of Honor Korean War |
Guest Donald Densmore, below left. |

Above, Hosts Bob Doherty (Center) & John Fielding (r.) |

Mort Feinberg and Bob Doherty WW II Vets March 2007 |

Dept. of MA. DAV Commander Ray Richards & Hosts Bob Doherty and John Fielding on the set. |
Show #8 |

Col. Richard Davenport, CO. Taunton High AFJROTC |
Show #8 |

Steve Horton readies Cam #1 |
The Fifty Seven Show #8 |

Col. Richard Davenport & Co Host Bob Doherty get ready. |
Dr Clair Beard |

Dana Farber Cancer Institute / Brigham & Womens Hospital |

Show Number 7 |

Dr. Armen Arslanian & Host John Fielding |

Commander Morin, Co-Host John Fielding, Guest Armand Provencal & Co-Host Bob Doherty during Show #4. |